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Verband Region Stuttgart

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Auf den folgenden Seiten gibt es daher weitergehende Informationen:

For the future of the region

The aim of Verband Region Stuttgart’s regional planning is to further develop the region’s diversity, quality of life and economic strength in a forward-looking and sustainable way. That’s a real challenge in this era of globalisation, climate upheaval and demographic change with an ageing population. It makes responsible planning more necessary than ever before. The key tool for responsible planning is the regional plan, which serves as an overall spatial planning concept for the Stuttgart Region.

To the regional plan

Of course, regional planning does not take place in a vacuum. It is informed by the regional development plans of the German states as well as by the Federal Regional Planning Act [“Raumordnungsgesetz”, ROG] and acts as an interface between the general development guidelines issued by the federal state and the specific planning activities of the towns and municipalities. It contains binding specifications for sectoral planning and municipal urban land-use planning. The towns and municipalities are in charge of urban land-use planning. They prepare land use plans that include the existing and planned use of the entire district area. These are used to develop local development plans that are legally binding land-use plans at parcel level – together for the future of the region.


The towns and municipalities provide planning input in the course of several planning rounds (principle of countervailing influence). Associations, authorities, the public, various chambers and trade unions are also involved. These range from the Regional Government Office to the Naturschutzbund conservation group.

Verband Region Stuttgart is in no way limited to rigorously implementing the regional plan. It also provides impetus for regional development, for example by initiating projects. This involves an integrated approach by the region, the local authorities and other institutions. It requires active participation in research projects as well as studies on diverse issues of regional collaboration.

Found out more about past and present projects here.

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