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Verband Region Stuttgart

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Auf den folgenden Seiten gibt es daher weitergehende Informationen:


Stuttgart’s commuter rail service is right on track

Stuttgart’s commuter rail service or ‘S-Bahn’ is the backbone of local transport in the region. As the organisation responsible by law for regionally significant local rail services starting and ending in the region, Verband Region Stuttgart carries out important tasks. Not only does it ‘order’ the commuter rail services from DB Regio AG, it also provides funding and continuously develops the service. Where does the network need to be expanded? Where are more frequent trains required? When do the trains need to be replaced? These are the questions that Verband Region Stuttgart answers. It is a huge undertaking made up of many integrated parts. Above all else, it requires patience and a long-term view. Alongside responsibility for Stuttgart’s commuter rail service, Verband Region Stuttgart is also in charge of the Teckbahn rail line from Kirchheim u. Teck to Oberlenningen as well as the Schusterbahn rail line from Untertürkheim to Kornwestheim.

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