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Verband Region Stuttgart

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About us - Verband Region Stuttgart

Around 2.8 million people live in the Stuttgart Region, one of Europe’s most dynamic and innovative locations. It is made up of the districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and Rems-Murr, as well as the state capital Stuttgart. Roughly 30% of Baden-Württemberg’s economic output is generated in the region. However, this is only possible if the region – which comprises 179 municipalities – works as a coherent unit.

That is why Verband Region Stuttgart was established in 1994 as a public law corporation following legislation adopted by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. Its statutory remit to “promote and ensure an ordered development” is as relevant today as it was almost 30 years ago.

You can find out about the history of Verband Region Stuttgart and its important milestones here.

Its political arm is the Regional Assembly with its 88 members at present. These members are elected every five years by the approximately 1.7 million people in the region who are entitled to vote. This direct vote guarantees a strong democratic mandate and is unique in Baden-Württemberg.

The sparring partner at a political level is the head office, with more than 80 staff. They prepare the resolutions for the Regional Assembly and committees and implement those resolutions. They also provide advice to the region’s local authorities.

Information on the meetings of the Regional Assembly and its committees is available in the council and citizens’ information system.

The three executive bodies of Verband Region Stuttgart

Tasks of Verband Region Stuttgart


The tasks are clearly defined: to maintain quality of life and economic strength in the Stuttgart Region. The mandatory statutory tasks entrusted to Verband Region Stuttgart include key issues such as regional planning, certain aspects of local transportation, regional transport management, regional transport planning, landscape planning, business and tourism development and certain aspects of waste management. It can also get involved voluntarily in sports and culture and well as in German and European networks, in competitions and projects on central key issues.

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