The Stuttgart Region thinks European
Lots of important decisions are taken at European level. It’s Verband Region Stuttgart’s task and duty – as well as a challenge and an opportunity – to position ourselves as European. The work performed at European level in the Stuttgart Region and in Brussels is carried out together with Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS). Its objectives are as follows:
- To be involved in shaping European policy and funding policy
- To implement funded projects
- To gain insights through an exchange of experiences in networks
- To position the Stuttgart Region as an innovative high-tech location with a good quality of life
- To inform stakeholders in the Stuttgart Region about current developments and funding programmes at EU level
- To anchor the European ethos in the Stuttgart Region
- To support regional partners, in particular municipalities
Link to the website of the Stuttgart Region in Europe
- The Stuttgart Region European Office in Brussels is the direct link between the EU and the Stuttgart Region. The team on the ground in Brussels relays information such as updates on current legislative proceedings or funding programmes first hand to the region. At the same time, the European Office is the face of the region in Brussels.
- Link to the Website of the Stuttgart Region European Office
- At EU level, there are many exciting projects that drive the region forward and are implemented on the ground. These include the renaturation of river landscapes, shifting goods traffic from road to rail and removing the obstacles that prevent people from using public transport. Taking part in these EU projects secures funding and provides a valuable opportunity to share knowledge and experience. This ultimately benefits the towns and municipalities in the Stuttgart Region.
- Link to the website of european projects.
- Thinking European also means building networks. Interests can be represented more effectively by joining forces with others. Partners learn from each other by sharing experiences and examples of best practice. The network of European delegates from the municipalities and administrative districts connects the European stakeholders in the Stuttgart Region.
- Link to the website of european networks
Verband Region Stuttgart is also involved in the following European networks:
- METREX: The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas (METREX) is a network of metropolitan regions and areas in Europe. The aim of the network is to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences in relation to spatial planning and regional development issues and to take joint action on issues of common interest. METREX strives to ensure that the importance of strong metropolitan areas as an engine for growth, innovation and sustainable development in Europe is recognised and enhanced.
Link to the website of Metrex
- EMTA: Through its responsibility for the S-Bahn suburban railway system so important for the Stuttgart Region, Verband Region Stuttgart is an associate member of EMTA (European Metropolitan Transport Authorities). The aim of the collaboration is to improve mobility management and enhance the quality of public transport.
Link to the website of EMTA
- POLIS: European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions (POLIS) is a network of European cities and regions working together in the field of traffic management and technologies. POLIS drafts statements as part of its active involvement in the European political process, and its members can participate in European funding programmes.
Link to the website of Polis