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Verband Region Stuttgart

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Auf den folgenden Seiten gibt es daher weitergehende Informationen:

Tasks of Verband Region Stuttgart

The remit of Verband Region Stuttgart is very clearly defined: to maintain quality of life and economic strength in the Stuttgart Region. To fulfil this purpose, it has been assigned mandatory tasks in relation to (local) transportation, regional planning and business development.


Verband Region Stuttgart provides additional impetus and is a point of contact and facilitator for central key issues in the Stuttgart Region as a place for living and doing business. It takes part successfully in national and international competitions and projects. It adopts an innovative approach to finding answers to questions around mobility, land use and demographic development.

Always up to date our newsletter

Verband Region Stuttgart informs via newsletter from the region for the region: Political decisions, events, exciting background knowledge. If you would also like to subscribe to the newsletter free of charge in the future, then register.

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Always available

You need more information, have questions or want to tell us something? Then please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your message.

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