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Verband Region Stuttgart

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Auf den folgenden Seiten gibt es daher weitergehende Informationen:


Bringing the region closer together

Metropolregion zu sein ist Herausforderung und Verpflichtung zugleich: Die Menschen müssen schnell und störungsfrei von A nach B kommen, zentrale Drehkreuze wie Flughafen, Bahnhof und Messe müssen schnell und bequem erreichbar sein. Stuttgart 21 spielt hierbei eine wichtige Rolle. Doch dürfen sich die Menschen in Stuttgart und der Region nicht nur über eine schnelle Direktverbindung auf die Fildern freuen, für die Region entscheidend sind vor allem auch viele schnellere Direktverbindungen, um beispielsweise von Ludwigsburg nach Esslingen zu kommen oder von Herrenberg nach Waiblingen. Die Region rückt näher zusammen – und der ÖPNV wird noch besser.

Verband Region Stuttgart and Stuttgart 21

Verband Region Stuttgart invests in the parts of the Stuttgart 21 project that help to improve local transport in the region. These include plans to have separate commuter train routes for Bad Cannstatt and the main station (Hauptbahnhof), the new commuter rail station at Mittnachtstraße, routing the regional trains via the airport, expanding the airport into a mobility hub and the Wendlinger Kurve sub-project. Verband Region Stuttgart is contributing a share of EUR 100 million for those measures. The regional contribution is capped and set out in the financing agreement for Stuttgart 21.

New developments

In order to implement the Deutschlandtakt concept to synchronise Germany’s trains, there are also plans for large-scale expansion of the Stuttgart to Singen route. At the core of this plan is the Pfaffensteig tunnel between Böblingen and the airport. This tunnel will replace current plans as part of Stuttgart 21 for train links in the direction of Böblingen. The tunnel will allow for shorter journey times and will contribute significantly to ensuring that commuter trains between Vaihingen and the airport can continue to use dedicated tracks. Once the tunnel has been completed, this will make the hub at the airport much more attractive than the original plan for travellers coming from the south in particular.

Stuttgart 21 for the population

Stuttgart 21 is a complex project. In order to introduce the project and its impact to the general public, all of the funding partners for the project have invested in an exhibition building called InfoTurm Stuttgart or ‘ITS’ for short on Platform 16 at Stuttgart’s main station (Hauptbahnhof). Over three floors and a viewing platform, the exhibition provides information about the Stuttgart-Ulm rail project as well as related future developments. Using numerous digital exhibits in conjunction with large-scale graphics, augmented reality and immersive 3D exhibits, the ITS team invites visitors to get to know Stuttgart 21 better.

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